Abstract submission for the 5th Annual Bath University HPC Symposium on Thursday 9th June is now open [please note that the day (Tuesday) in the earlier announcement was a typo!].
We would like to invite submissions for talks and poster presentations on all aspects of HPC-orientated research, including:
- HPC driven research in all disciplines
- Code parallelisation and algorithm development
- Experiences with tools/libraries and the scalability of computational codes
- Experiences with accelerator hardware (e.g. GPUs and Xeon Phis)
We would like this year to highlight the HPC research being done by postgraduates, so there will be a dedicated session for students presenting posters to give a five-minute flash presentation to introduce themselves and their work. A prize of an iPod Nano will be awarded for the best student flash/poster presentation.
Contributed talks will be scheduled for 15 minutes (12 mins + 3 mins questions).
There will also be a prize of an iPad Mini for the best overall contribution to the symposium.
LaTeX and Word templates are available from the symposium website at:
Please send your submissions to hpc-symposium@bath.ac.uk, remembering to rename files with your username (e.g. “abstract_jms70.doc”).
The deadline for abstract submission is Friday 13th May, and presenting authors will be notified the following week.
Also, we would like to remind those who haven’t registered yet to do so. Registration is free (including refreshments) and is now open at:
and will close on Friday 27th May.
More information, including an up-to-date schedule, can be found on the symposium website.
We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Best wishes,
Jonathan and Steven